Unreal Engine SDK

The Xsolla Backend SDK for Unreal is compatible with Unreal Engine 4.25 and above. The SDK is broken up into three plug-ins; AXRCoreSDK, OnlineSubsystemAXR and GameFrameworkAXR.


The AXRCoreSDK plug-in is a wrapper for the C++ SDK. It does not provide any direct functionality other than enabling a means of compiling and exposing the C++ SDK to Unreal.


The OnlineSubsystemAXR plug-in provides an implementation of the OnlineSubsystem interfaces designed to work with the Xsolla Backend engine. The plug-in supports a variety of platform features including:

  • Authentication

  • Achievements

  • Economy

  • Leaderboards

  • Matchmaking

  • Missions / Quests

  • Personas

  • Progression

  • Sessions

  • Social


The GameFrameworkAXR plug-in offers higher level gameplay implementation of common online and multi-player functionality.

Some important features include:

  • Dedicated server registration

  • Automatic session management

  • Automatic shard management (Virtual World System)


Installation of the Unreal plugins is simple…

  1. Clone the repository to your project’s Plugins folder.

From your project root directory:

cd Plugins
git clone https://unreal:_9EZ7XzLBuzBb_ctT1yS@gitlab.acceleratxr.com/Core/sdk/sdk_unreal.git Xsolla Backend
  1. Run the corresponding start script for your supported platform.

For Linux…

cd Xsolla Backend

For Windows…

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
cd Xsolla Backend
  1. Add the desired plug-ins to your project’s .uproject file at the root directory.

        "Name": "AXRCoreSDK",
        "Enabled": true
        "Name": "OnlineSubsystemAXR",
        "Enabled": true
        "Name": "GameFrameworkAXR",
        "Enabled": true
  2. Set AXR as the default OnlineSubsytem in Config/DefaultEngine.ini.

  3. Launch the project by double clicking the .uproject file or by launching it from the Epic Games Launcher.

    Note: If prompted to rebuild missing modules, click ‘Yes’ and wait for the project to load.

That’s it! If your project supports the OnlineSubsystem interface, you should now be using Xsolla Backend user login and session management on the AXR demo environment.

You can access the web admin console for the demo environment at https://console.demo.xsolla.cloud with the followng credentials:

  • Username: admin

  • Password: @xrD3m0!

To learn more about how to work with these plug-ins check out the Unreal ShooterGame project.