Unity Engine SDK

The AcceleratXR SDK for Unity provides a simple wrapper around the C# SDK in addition to prefabs and basic scripts included to make the process of working with the platform easier.

Looking for a Unity Demo?

Want something that works out of the box? Check out the example_unity repo.


This plug-in requires the following:

  1. Unity 2021.3+ LTS or newer.


There are two ways to import the SDK into your project…

  • Option 1: Install From Git URL [Recommended]

  • Option 2: Clone The Repo and Install From Local Disk

Option 2: Clone The Repo and Install From Local Disk

  1. Clone the sdk_unity repo to your local machine.

git clone https://gitlab.acceleratxr.com/Core/sdk/sdk_unity.git
  1. Open your project in Unity and navigate to the Package Manager window (Windows > Package Manager).

  2. In the Package Manager window click the + button in the top left corner and select Add package from disk…

  3. Browse to the root folder of your local sdk_unity checkout, select the package.json file, and click Open.

  4. AcceleratXR SDK should now be listed in the package manager.

  5. Next follow the section on Configuration.


In order for your game or application to communicate with an AcceleratXR cluster you must first create a configuration asset to configure the SDK. This can be accomplished by creating a new Asset of type AXRCoreSDK by selecting Assets > Create > AcceleratXR > Core SDK. Once created, you will see the new object selected in the Project window and the configuration options shown in the Inspector window.

The most important setting is BaseUrl. This is the URL to your AcceleratXR cluster that your app will communicate with.

The JWT settings are optional and only needed if you will be using the ClientSDK.LocalLogin() function. The JWT Settings section and LocalLogin function is provided for debugging purposes and is not recommended for production use. For production builds make sure that the JWTPassword field is blank.

The default values in the AXRCoreSDK asset correspond to the AcceleratXR demo environment.

Using the AcceleratXR Demo Environment

You can use the following settings to access AcceleratXR’s demo environment. This environment is a shared environment that is reset daily and is intended for testing purposes only. You can use the demo environment to test your integration with the AcceleratXR API before deploying your own cluster.

Global Settings
URL: https://api.demo.goaxr.cloud/v1

JWT Settings
Audience: demo.goaxr.cloud
Issuer: api.demo.goaxr.cloud

You can access the web admin console for the demo environment at https://console.demo.goaxr.cloud with the followng credentials:

  • Username: admin

  • Password: @xrD3m0!

Note that the demo environment has a limited feature set that will result in run-time failures when using certain SDK services.

Using an AXRCoreSDK Configuration To Access The API

Assign your desired AXRCoreSDK configuration asset to a field on a behavior or scriptable object that’s referenced in your scene, and use the Instance property to access the CoreSDK features. The Instance property on AXRCoreSDK will always return the same reference for a given AXRCoreSDK asset.

using axr.sdk; // Required for AXRCoreSDK, base Object, and other SDK types
using axr.sdk.Models; // Required models such as User below
using axr.sdk.Services; // Required for Services such as SessionService below
using System.Linq; // Not required, but used below for Linq where clause as an example
using UnityEngine; // Required for MonoBehaviour

public class AXRExample : MonoBehaviour
    // Assign in the inspector
    public AXRCoreSDK config;

    async void Start()
        // Validate config is set
        if (config == null)
            // Warn if no configuration is set
            Debug.LogWarning($"WARNING: AXRCoreSDK config not set!");

        // Get core SDK instance from configuration
        CoreSDK sdk = config.Instance;

        // Print DeviceId (set) and logged in user UID (null)
        Debug.Log($"Device: {sdk.DeviceId} | User: {sdk.LoggedInUser?.Uid}");

        // Login using Device method
        await sdk.LoginDevice();

        // Print DeviceId (set) and logged in user UID (now set!)
        Debug.Log($"Device: {sdk.DeviceId} | User: {sdk.LoggedInUser?.Uid}");

        // Logged in user now non-null, let's inspect..
        User localUser = sdk.LoggedInUser;

        // Walk each property on the logged in user's object and print the value
        foreach (var prop in localUser.Properties.Keys)
            Debug.Log($"\t{prop}: {localUser.GetProperty(prop)}");

        // Get the session service
        var sessionService = sdk.GetService<SessionService>();

        // Find all sessions
        var sessions = await sessionService.FindAll();

        // Filter results locally to non-empty sessions with Linq
        var sessionsNonEmpty = sessions.Where(s => s.Users.Count() > 0).ToList();

        // Print sessions found
        Debug.Log($"Sessions found: {sessions.Count} ({sessionsNonEmpty.Count} non-empty)");

        // Print info from each session
        sessionsNonEmpty.ForEach(s =>
            Debug.Log($"\t{s.Type}\t{s.Status}\t({s.Users.Count})\th:{s.HostUid}\ts:{s.ServerUrl ?? "NONE"}"));

Enabling and Running Tests

The SDK includes a suite of unit tests that can be run from within Unity. To enable the tests you must first add the com.unity.test-framework package at version 1.4.1 or greater to your project. To add or upgrade the package from the package manager:

  1. Open the Package Manager window (Windows > Package Manager) and clicking the + button in the top left corner.

  2. Select Add package by name…

  3. Set the Name field to com.unity.test-framework.

  4. Set the Version field to 1.4.1 or greater.

  5. Click Add.

Open your project’s Packages/manifest.json, verify that the com.unity.test-framework package is listed in the dependencies section with an appropriate version, and add the com.acceleratxr.sdk package name to the testables array as shown below. Save the file and return to Unity.

    "dependencies": {
        "com.acceleratxr.sdk": "...",
        // ...
        "com.unity.test-framework": "1.4.1",
        // ...
    "testables": [

Note that the `com.unity.test-framework` package may be installed by default at a lower version, please make sure you verify the version number and upgrade if necessary or the tests will not run properly.

Once the com.acceleratxr.sdk package has been added to the testables list, you can open the Test Runner window (Windows > General > Test Runner) and run the tests from the package by clicking the Run All button at the bottom right of the window, or by double-clicking on a particular test or group.

You can right click any test and select Open Source Code to load the test code in your IDE, where you can sample from various use cases or debug any integration issues you might be experiencing.