Tools & Utilities

AcceleratXR Admin Console

The AcceleratXR Admin Console is our custom cluster administration tool. It comes bundled with every AcceleratXR cluster and is typically available at the url https://console.<project>


Often times it is necessary to inspect the traffic going between your game and the backend servers. This helps in debugging what is being sent and received directly. For this task we recommend Telerik Fiddler.


Postman is a free tool for working directly with AcceleratXR’s REST API.

Install the AcceleratXR Workspace

To install the AcceleratXR workspace perform the following.

  1. Install or sign-in to Postman

  2. Click the Import button near the top left corner.

  3. In the pop-up window, select Link.

  4. Paste the following URL into the text field and click Continue.

  5. Verify the name of the workspace as AcceleratXR and click Import.

Setting up the workspace

Once the AcceleratXR workspace has been installed you need to configure an environment to talk to your cluster.

  1. Near the top right corner click the little eye icon next to No Environment.

  2. Click the Add button under Environment.

  3. Enter a name at the top.

  4. Add a new variable named base_url and enter your cluster address for the initial value. e.g. base_url =

  5. Now click the Save button.

You are now ready to access your cluster with Postman.

In order to begin making REST API calls to the cluster you need to authenticate.

  1. Under the AcceleratXR collection, expand Account Services.

  2. Click on Auth Password.

  3. Click the Authorization tab.

  4. Enter your desired username and password. e.g. Username: admin, Password: @xrD3m0! for the demo environment.

  5. Click the Send button.

If all is successful you will see a JSON response similar to the following.

    "refresh": "<refresh>",
    "token": "<token>",
    "type": "ACCESS",
    "userUid": "<user_uid>"

You are now ready to start using the AcceleratXR postman API.

Visual Studio Code

AcceleratXR develops all of our products and services using the very popular and powerful Microsoft Visual Studio Code.

We recommend installing the following extensions.