
Users can create accounts with the system by creating a User object with this system. Users contain a minimal amount of personally identifiable information (PII). For instance, passwords are stored separately from the primary user object. This is both for simplicity of the system as well as additional protection of sensitive data.


The roles property of the User document contains the list of Role names that the user is a member or owner of. This makes it more practical to quickly discover the user’s permissions within the larger security system. This list is automatically updated by the system upon any change to a Role document itself.

External IDs

In order to support single-sign on with external authentication providers it is important to link a user’s third-party account id with their AcceleratXR id. These IDs are stored in the externalIds` property as an array of ``<type>:<uid> mappings that indicate which third-party provider is represented along with the universally unique identifier for that provider.

Existing external ID links may be re-associated with another account if a user performs a single-sign on attempt in collaboration with an existing AcceleratXR authentication token.

Verifying Accounts

When a new user is created, the account is considered to be unverified until that user responds to a verification e-mail or text message sent to the contact provided at the time of creation. The verification e-mail contains a short lifespan JWT authentication token that must be provided to the /users/:id/verify endpoint in order to prove the user received the e-mail at the given address.

If a user changes their e-mail address at any future point, they will be required to verify the address again, even if a previous e-mail is specified again.

Admin Account

On system startup, a single user account is automatically created called the admin user. This user is given superuser power within the system to perform any action. The login credentials of this account are logged to the stdout of the service exactly once. It is important to save this information for future reference. Since this is an account with root level access it is highly recommended that this account not be used in daily practice, even when superuser privileges are desired.


To prevent risk of unauthorized access to the system the default admin account should never be used from an external device. Create another user and add them as a member to one of the default Trusted Roles roles instead.