Program Listing for File ZoneService.h

Return to documentation for file (axr.sdk/services/ZoneService.h)

// Copyright (C) AcceleratXR, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Author: Jean-Philippe Steinmetz <>
// NOTE: This file was auto generated by the AcceleratXR code generator.
#pragma once

#include "axr.sdk/net/IApiClient.h"
#include "axr.sdk/ServiceBase.h"
#include "axr.sdk/models/Zone.h"
#include "axr.sdk/utils/StringUtils.h"
#include "axr.sdk/models/Zone.h"
#include "axr.sdk/models/Count.h"
#include "axr.sdk/utils/EntityWatchdog.h"

#include <cpprest/details/basic_types.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>


namespace axr {
namespace sdk {
namespace services {

using namespace axr::sdk::models;

class ZoneService : public ServiceBase<Zone> {
    ZoneService(std::shared_ptr<Configuration> config, std::shared_ptr<net::IApiClient> apiClient)
        : ServiceBase(config, apiClient)

    ~ZoneService() {}

    static const utility::char_t* ClassName()
        return _XPLATSTR("axr::sdk::services::ZoneService");

    pplx::task<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Zone>>> FindAll(const std::map<utility::string_t,utility::string_t>* searchParams = nullptr, const uint16_t startIndex = 0, const uint16_t maxResults = 1000, const utility::string_t& sortBy = _XPLATSTR(""));

    pplx::task<uint64_t> Count(const std::map<utility::string_t,utility::string_t>* searchParams = nullptr, const uint16_t startIndex = 0, const uint16_t maxResults = 1000);

    pplx::task<std::shared_ptr<Zone>> FindById(const utility::string_t& id);

} // namespace services
} // namespace axr
} // namespace sdk