Namespace axr::sdk::Network

namespace axr.sdk.Network


enum ConnectionState

Describes the various states of the connection.



The connection is not currently active.


The .


The connection to the remote player or server is alive and healthy.


The connection was lost due to an unknown error.


An error occurred while attempting to initiate the connection.

enum MessageType

Describes the supporting encoding types of message data that can be sent over a connection.



The data is encoded in binary (byte order not assumed).


The data is encoded as UTF-8 compatible text.

enum SocketMode

Describes the different operating modes of a real-time session socket.



Specifies a bi-directional connection.


Specifies a downward only connection, capable of receiving data from the server only.


Specifies an upward only connection, capable of sending data to the server only.

enum NetworkMode

Describes the operating mode of the local network session.



The operating mode of the local network session is a client. Clients have no authority over a session, only locally owned players and associated controllers participating in the session.


The operating mode of the local network session is a server. Servers have complete authority over a session including all players and controllers.

enum Action

Describes the various actions of socket messages.


enum Type

Describes the various sub-types of socket messages.




delegate void OnSocketMessage (SocketMessage message)

Defines a callback function that will be notified when a new socket message has been received by the connection.

delegate void OnUnknownMessage (MessageType type, byte[] data)

Defines a callback function that will be notified when a unknown message has been received by the connection.

delegate void OnStateChanged (INetworkObject obj, bool fromNetwork)

Delegate for notifying of a change in state of this object.

Param obj

The object that whose state has changed.

Param fromNetwork

Indicates whether the state change originated from the network or was local.

class Connection : public axr.sdk.Network.IConnection
interface IConnection

Subclassed by axr.sdk.Network.Connection

interface INetworkObject : public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>, public IDisposable

The NetworkObject is a thread-safe dynamic Object type for use within a network context. The class provides common functionality for performing event handling, property replication and remote procedure calls.

Network objects must have a unique name in order to identify them amongst other instances within the engine. If no name is specified at instance creation a random UUID is assigned for the object automatically.

Subclassed by axr.sdk.Network.GameFramework.IPlayerController, axr.sdk.Network.NetworkObject

class NetworkObject : public axr.sdk.Object, public axr.sdk.Network.INetworkObject, public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>, public IEquatable<NetworkObject>, public IDisposable

The NetworkObject is a thread-safe dynamic Object type for use within a network context. The class provides common functionality for performing event handling, property replication and remote procedure calls.

Network objects must have a unique name in order to identify them amongst other instances within the engine. If no name is specified at instance creation a random UUID is assigned for the object automatically.

Subclassed by axr.sdk.Network.GameFramework.BasicPlayerController, axr.sdk.Network.GameFramework.GameState, axr.sdk.Network.GameFramework.PlayerState

class NetworkSession : public IDisposable

The NetworkSession serves as the routing point between a set of active network connections and the objects participating in a given online session.

The NetworkSession manages a collection of replication groups containing all participating networked objects within the session. Each network object is capable of replicating its own state, executing remote procedure calls or sending and receiving network events to other objects within the network.

Any messages originating from the objects managed by this session are transmitted through one or more of the managed network connections. Each connection may represent a remote server or peer.

For convenience, this class also manages all created instances and provides easy access to each through the use of the GetInstance static method. This makes it easier for other parts of code to quickly refer to a given network session without requiring complex argument passing between constructors.

Products are encouraged to sub-class this class in order to customize behavior such as how to instantiate the game and player controllers.

class ReplicationGroup : public IDisposable

The ReplicationGroup manages a group of INetworkObject objects whose state will all be managed together.

For convenience, this class also manages all created instances and provides easy access to each through the use of the GetInstance static method. This makes it easier for other parts of code to quickly refer to a given replication group without requiring complex argument passing between constructors.

class SocketMessage : public axr.sdk.Object

Defines a single message that has been sent across the network.

namespace Attributes


enum ExecuteScope

Describes the different scopes of remote procedure call executions.


enum ReplicateMode

Describes the different modes of property replication that is supported by the network engine.



The property will always be replicated any time replication of state is performed.


The property will be replicated only when it’s value has changed.


The property is replicated only the first time it is set and never again.

class EventAttribute : public OnMethodBoundaryAspect
class ExecuteAttribute : public OnMethodBoundaryAspect

Use this attribute to mark a class method as being remotely executable. Remotely executable methods cannot have a return type.

A method marked with this attribute will be executed remotely under the following conditions.

+——-&#8212;+——-&#8212;+———————-&#8212;+ | NetMode | Scope | Executes | +——-&#8212;+——-&#8212;+———————-&#8212;+ | CLIENT | CLIENT | Local client only | | CLIENT | SERVER | Local client and server | | SERVER | CLIENT | All clients and server | | SERVER | SERVER | Server only | +——-&#8212;+——-&#8212;+———————-&#8212;+

class ReplicateAttribute : public Attribute

Use this attribute to mark a class property to be replicated across the network.

namespace GameFramework
class BasicGameController : public axr.sdk.Network.GameFramework.IGameController

Manages the state of a networked game session as the authoritative host or server.

The authoritative host/server has the ability to perform any action and control any object within the context of the network session.

The controller manages a collection of connected player controllers. Each player controller gives this server the ability to override any action or state triggered by another player.

Only one instance of the GameController ever exists in a network context at a time. This instance only runs on the host/server’s machine. Each player’s client will have a copy of the GameState object only. However, each player will have exactly one copy of the PlayerController for the player that they directly control.

class BasicPlayerController : public axr.sdk.Network.NetworkObject, public axr.sdk.Network.GameFramework.IPlayerController

Manages the state of a player participating in a networked game session on behalf of a local client.

class GameState : public axr.sdk.Network.NetworkObject

Represents a single game session’s state within the network.

interface IGameController

Manages the state of a networked game session as the authoritative host or server.

The authoritative host/server has the ability to perform any action and control any object within the context of the network session.

The controller manages a collection of connected player controllers. Each player controller gives this server the ability to override any action or state triggered by another player.

Only one instance of the GameController ever exists in a network context at a time. This instance only runs on the host/server’s machine. Each player’s client will have a copy of the GameState object only. However, each player will have exactly one copy of the PlayerController for the player that they directly control.

Subclassed by axr.sdk.Network.GameFramework.BasicGameController

interface IPlayerController : public axr.sdk.Network.INetworkObject

Manages the state of a participating player in a networked session.

Subclassed by axr.sdk.Network.GameFramework.BasicPlayerController

class PlayerState : public axr.sdk.Network.NetworkObject

Represents a single player’s state within a network session.