Class Statistic

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class Statistic : public axr::sdk::ModelBase

Public Functions

inline Statistic()
inline Statistic(const Statistic &value)
inline Statistic(Statistic &&value)
inline virtual ~Statistic()
virtual void Validate() override
utility::string_t GetName() const

Returns the value of the Name property as a utility::string_t.

Statistic &SetName(const utility::string_t &value)

Sets the value of the Name property.


value – The value to set.

Variant GetValue() const

Returns the value of the json::Value property.

Statistic &SetValue(const Variant &value)

Sets the value of the json::Value property.


value – The value to set.

Public Static Functions

static inline const utility::char_t *ClassName()

Returns the fully qualified name of the class.