Class Order

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class Order : public axr::sdk::EntityBase

A detailed list of products and services that a customer wishes to or has purchased.

Public Functions

inline Order()
inline Order(const Order &value)
inline Order(Order &&value)
inline virtual ~Order()
inline virtual Order &SetProperties(const std::map<utility::string_t, Variant> &value) override

Sets the object’s underlying map of stored values.

inline virtual Order &SetProperties(std::map<utility::string_t, Variant> &&value) override

Sets the underlying map of stored values for the object.

inline virtual Order &SetProperty(const utility::char_t *name, const Variant &value) override

Sets the property of the given name to the provided value.

inline virtual Order &SetProperty(const utility::string_t &name, const Variant &value) override

Sets the property of the given name to the provided value.

inline virtual Order &SetRemoteUrl(const utility::string_t &url) override

Returns the URL of the remote server endpoint where the object is managed.

inline virtual Order &SetUid(const utility::string_t &value) override

Sets the value of the Uid property.


value – The value to set.

inline virtual Order &SetDateCreated(const datetime &value) override

Sets the value of the DateCreated property.


value – The value to set.

inline virtual Order &SetDateModified(const datetime &value) override

Sets the value of the DateModified property.


value – The value to set.

inline virtual Order &SetVersion(const uint64_t value) override

Sets the value of the Version property.


value – The value to set.

virtual void Validate() override
uint64_t GetId() const

The unique order number.

Order &SetId(uint64_t value)

The unique order number.

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<OrderItem>> GetItems() const

The list of all items of products and services included.

Order &SetItems(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<OrderItem>> value)

The list of all items of products and services included.

utility::string_t GetPromoCode() const

The unique identifier of the promotional code to apply to this order.

Order &SetPromoCode(const utility::string_t &value)

The unique identifier of the promotional code to apply to this order.

utility::string_t GetReferral() const

The unique identifier of the third party that referred this subscription sale.

Order &SetReferral(const utility::string_t &value)

The unique identifier of the third party that referred this subscription sale.

float GetSubtotal() const

The sum amount of all items listed in the order.

Order &SetSubtotal(float value)

The sum amount of all items listed in the order.

float GetTax() const

The tax to apply, if applicable, expressed as a percent.

Order &SetTax(float value)

The tax to apply, if applicable, expressed as a percent.

float GetTotal() const

The total amount to be paid.

Order &SetTotal(float value)

The total amount to be paid.

const Status *GetStatus() const

The current processing status of the order.

Order &SetStatus(const Status *value)

The current processing status of the order.

utility::string_t GetWalletUid() const

The unique identifier of the wallet that wants to purchase the order.

Order &SetWalletUid(const utility::string_t &value)

The unique identifier of the wallet that wants to purchase the order.

Public Static Functions

static inline const utility::char_t *ClassName()

Returns the fully qualified name of the class.

class Status : public axr::sdk::StringEnum<Status>

Describes the various processing states of an Order object.

Public Static Attributes

static const Status *CREATED
static const Status *PENDING
static const Status *FULFILLED
static const Status *FAILED
static const Status *VOIDED